Here is a very interesting infographic from Inspired Learning on where Malware , viruses, trojans, and other computer crippling software typically comes from. Malware is everywhere, and what I’m more surprised of is blogs and social media rank as the highest sites where malware is found on, while porn sites is least on this list!
“Malware is Everywhere”
Even the fact that 1 in 239 emails contains a virus is a pretty scary thought. Especially as I look at my inbox on 12,000+ emails from this year alone! Take a read through the interesting inforgraphic below!
Other scary thoughts detailed below are how small and medium sized businesses are high value targets to malware and viruses as well. We are getting to a point where there is no company or person too small to avoid the risk of having their business or life crippled by malware or identity theft.

Infographic authored by Inspired eLearning, providers of online security awareness and training programs. To view the original post, click here.